cinnanmonbuns and crocheting

Hello everyone!

I spent yesterday cleaning and reading basically, I am totally hooked on Prince of Thorns! Sadly, being a single mother means that there isn’t much time for reading and such when the kids are young! But I take whatever time I get, hee hee.

Today mum and I decided to make cinnamonbuns, so we spent the afternoon baking and eating!



There’s the result! They turned out delicious. I don’t have the recipe though, but I’ll get it for you guys tomorrow!

I’ve also made some progress on the crocheted blanket I’m making, I took a 5 month break and now I’m producing squares like a machine. I love crocheting and knitting, it’s so relaxing!


I have about 4 lenghts left to make, each lenght consists out of 11 squares and let me tell you that these squares might look quick and easy and simple but when I started I got so mad. I learned to crochet by watching youtube videos, I highly recommend you to find someone to teach you IRL instead because not being able to ask questions is so FRUSTRATING.

I also finished supernatural season 9 yesterday. If this doesn’t get a happy ending I quit! So not okay! Like seriously, what the hell!?