Coconut and lime cake



Just baked this baby, it was delicious and it’s vegan! Here’s the recipe:

4dl of wheat flour

50 g margarine

2.5 dl soja milk

3 teaspoons baking powder

2 teaspoons vanilla powder

2 dl of sugar (originally 3 but I think that’s too sweet)

1 small ecological lime

1/2 dl coconut flakes

mix all the ingredient together until its a smooth batter, bake for 40 minutes at 200 c and enjoy!


right now and a pretty awesome tip

Hello! I’m back from the grocery store with lots of food and some ginger, because ginger and lime water is the best! Did you know, that if you have a funky smelling room (like my bedroom, the previous tenants smoked in here and it smells like cigarette-monkey) you can remedy that by slicing up some lime, lemon or cucumber and it draws out the smell AND you get a citrus smelling fresh air instead? Try it, it’s awesome!



Anyways, I am now going to return to my ginger wanter, risenta sesame cookies and Prince of Thorns. What are you guys reading at the moment?
